by Russ Mehling, General Manager, Webber’s Lodges
The Hunt/Fish department of Travel Manitoba recently instituted a new Master Hunter Program following the template of the incredibly successful Master Angler Program.
For years anglers in Manitoba (residents and visitors) have had the opportunity to enter their special Manitoba angling accomplishments into a database of like-minded fishermen. This database continues to be a popular repository of fishing information for both new and old anglers, and Travel Manitoba has done an incredible job of maintaining the integrity of an angling awards program that has become one of the most recognized in the world.
With the overwhelming success of the Master Angler program, Travel Manitoba worked to take the next step and create a similar program for local and visiting hunters. The new Master Hunter Program is the culmination of that effort.
Starting in the fall of 2016, hunters — including big game, predator, waterfowl and game bird hunters — will have a place to record their successful Manitoba hunts. The program will also serve to show the diverse world-class hunting opportunities available in Manitoba.
There are two ways to participate in the Master Hunter Program. The first is to follow the Primary Awards stream, while second is to go the route of the Specialist. Any single animal meeting the minimum guidelines is eligible for entry and will receive confirmation from Travel Manitoba.
The Primary Awards Program is designed for those hunters looking for a wide spectrum of adventures. Hunters will collect awards based on successfully harvesting different species. As an example, to earn a Bronze Medal, a hunter must enter any White-Tailed Deer OR Boar Black Bear AND a Migratory Waterfowl OR two Upland Game Birds. After Bronze, the hunters can add species toward their Silver, Gold, Platinum, Expert, and finally Grand Slam Medals.
The Specialist Awards Program is for the hunter who really enjoys the pursuit of specific species. These awards are broken down into categories such as: Waterfowl, Upland, Unique Bird, Big Game and Predator.
How can we help you on your mission to become a Master Hunter? Webber’s Lodges offers hunts covering a wide array of the species required within the awards categories. Species we can provide access to are:
- Several types of Waterfowl (Geese and Ducks) and Upland Game birds
- Predator – Wolf
- Big Game, including Moose, Caribou and Black Bear
- Unique Bird Category with Sandhill Cranes
If you hunt with us, we will ensure the proper paperwork is submitted so you can start, continue, or complete your journey to the awards program you are following. Manitoba has an incredible reputation when it comes to big game and bird hunting, and this program will be an excellent way to document it.
Happy hunting!
See all the Master Hunter Program details here.
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