Who hid the jalapeños? This is without a doubt our hunters’ favorite dish at the hunting lodge.
It is best made with tender young goose breasts. We do the preparation in the kitchen but Stewart, our camp manager, actually finishes them off on the barbecue.
As he told the camera crew from ESPN when they were filming him at the barbecue, “The girls in the kitchen might call these Jalapeño Goose Breasts, but we fellows call them Goose Boobies and they are delectable.”
- young goose breasts
- soy sauce
- fresh garlic cloves, crushed
- pickled jalapeño peppers and juice
- bacon drippings
1. Use approximately 3 breasts per person. Put a single layer of goose breasts in a glass or plastic dish. A plastic ice-cream pail also works well.
2. Spread breasts with 2 crushed garlic cloves and pour over 1/4 cup (60 mL) soy sauce.
3. Add another layer of breasts, crushed garlic and soy sauce until all breasts have been used. Be sure the soy sauce almost covers the meat.
At Dymond Lake Lodge we usually put the breasts in the marinade* very early in the morning and leave them to marinate* all day . . . but early in the morning at Dymond Lake is about 6:00 a.m. since we serve breakfast at 5:00 a.m. If you are like us and not too keen on being up at that hour of the morning, we would suggest you marinate them overnight.
4. About an hour before serving, remove the breasts from the marinade and put a small slit on each side of the breast with a sharp knife. Into each of these slits stuff a small slice of pickled jalapeño pepper.
5. Pile the breasts back into the dish or on to a tray to be taken out to the barbecue. On the tray put a small dish of melted bacon drippings and a dish of jalapeño juice from the pickle jar. You will also need a pair of tongs, a pastry brush and a small knife to check for doneness.
6. Barbecue the breasts over medium-high heat, brushing with bacon drippings and jalapeño juice until medium (still pink in the middle), about 4-6 minutes per side. Do not overcook.
SERVING SUGGESTION: We serve this with Marie’s Wild Rice Casserole, Onion Salad, Broccoli Salad, fresh rolls (of course) and any one of our great desserts.
* MARINADE OR MARINATE? Marinate is an action and marinade is what you do it in!
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