Russ Mehling

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Webber’s Lodges 2017 Sport Show Schedule

by Russ Mehling, General Manager, Webber's Lodges It’s (almost) the most wonderful time of the year -- sport show season! I love heading out on the show circuit with Webber's Lodges and Henik Lake Adventures, connecting with past guests and making new friends. Attending these shows also allows us to support the great organizations that

Best of 2016 — Webber’s Lodges Year in Review

by Russ Mehling, General Manager, Webber's Lodges With 2017 fast approaching, and most of 2016 in the rear-view mirror, we thought it would be fun to look back at some of the highlights of our 2016 seasons. Spring Musk Ox Hunting Weston Millward with his Musk Ox. Week one of our spring Musk

Richter Boone and Crockett caribou feeds family

Liz Richter shown above with her father George Weber and Boone and Crockett caribou. Liz Richter has had a difficult time getting anyone to take her hunting. That's probably going to change now. The 39-year-old widowed mother of two from Zimmerman, Minnesota recently became a proud member of the Boone and Crockett Club after taking

Webber’s Lodges’ 2016 Moose Hunting Highlights

Dave Reisner and his Bow Madness bull shown above. by Russ Mehling, General Manager, Webber’s Lodges Our 2016 moose hunting season was one for the books! Over the past couple of seasons we did some serious homework and built up our inventory of moose hunting camps, and it paid off. After scouring over aerial photos

The Evolution of a Hunter

by Russ Mehling, General Manager, Webber’s Lodges I’m fortunate enough to be immersed in the hunting lifestyle. Being in the outdoor industry as an outfitter and guide, surrounding myself with like-minded outdoor enthusiasts for friends, as well as being part of a family that loves hunting and fishing, means I get to live my

Tooth and claws have nothing on love

by Russ Mehling, General Manager, Webber’s Lodges When most hunters speak of "Dangerous Game", they are referring to hunting predators such as bears and lions and large antelope with angry dispositions like "Black Death": the cape buffalo of many African hunting tales. As dangerous as these hunts may be, when you interfere with the breeding

Musk ox hunt more than that for Yuel family

Jim Yuel There are some common threads running through the families that hunt and fish with Webber's Lodges. Not only do they cherish the outdoors and understand the true value of nature when it comes to raising a family, they're also strong supporters of conservation organizations. And many of the patriarchs who

Spring musk ox hunters beat blizzards, achieve 100 percent success rate

Suzanne Short. Musk ox hunter. We went into the ring with Mother Nature for our first spring musk ox hunt of 2016 in Baker Lake, Nunavut and won by a knockout. Four hunters joined Webber's Lodges' General Manager Russ Mehling for our first hunt of the year, including Suzanne Short from Alaska, Weston

Hunters and their organizations give back to the community

Caribou. Mom and fawn. Webber's Lodges attended a number of trade shows this past winter and reconnected with many friends and former guests, both hunters and fishermen! It was great to reminisce about successful past adventures, while also selling a few moose and caribou hunts and fishing trips to North Knife Lake Lodge,